Friday, December 25, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Malacca - 29 Nov 09 - 30 Nov 09

Me and my Gor gor..

Yuppie , gg to Malacca soon..we are ready.
Waitng for Dayi to call us as we are driving in with two cars.
We left Singapore at around 9 am in the morning.
Inside the car, mummy had nothing to do, so she is taking pictures of me..
I am so cute hor..
See..Gor gor is sleeping. He is so tired as he wake up early in the morning.
Reach Malacca in the afternoon.

Dayi like to kiss me so much...
Me , right in front..
A single bed with two adult and one baby...
We stay in Makota Hotel for the night.
Dayi had booked a 2 room apartment.
"A STAR IS BORN" ..tat me !!
On our way back to Singapore.
Mummy keep emphasis that communication is very important.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

3 Month Injection - 12 Nov 09

Today I go for my 3 months Assessment
Weight : 6.1 Kg
Leight : 60.5 cm

Mummy had add 1 more injection for me - PNEUMOCOCCAL - which is mandatory for all new born babies started just this month. Three jap for babie below 1 year old. Two jap for babie between 1 - 2 years. One jap for babie above 2 years old.

This is the link that explain more .

Oh no..additional 1 more pain for me......

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I am tired

First Trip to Malaysia - 2 Oct 09

Yuppie ..we are going to JB and Pengerang with Dayi.
Town of Pengerang, can you see the sliver lobster ?

Tesco Shopping Centre for shopping time.

Full Month Celebration - 5 Sept 09

Today is my day. Quickly take a short nap while waiting for our relatives and friends to come.

This is my da po mu.
This is Xue Yue jie jie.
This is Xue Ching jie jie.
O..please handle with care.
This is my grandma.
This is my great grandma. Do you know how old is she ? ........
Party time.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Jun Yuan, Jun Jie, me and gor gor four of us   pool time   BBQ time JJ , belfred and me chief Gillian jie jie and chief Fenny aunty Belfred,...