Thursday, June 20, 2013

BATAM - 16 JUNE - 17 JUNE 2013

at cruise centre, mummy is getting the ferry ticket at the counter.

while waiting for gong gong

still waiting

Here is the ferry at 9.40 am

Ah kim and her sister...

front seat with mama and aunty

gong gong

watching Tom & Jerry

waiting for other is buying crackers

aunty shopping.? to carry only..

what is this..

smiling Buddha...

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tortoise bun...
seafood lunch

waiting for our food..
testing the keuk lapis..


A & W..

twin gor gor.

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"golden" eagle

going to bed..

7.30 pm in Batam.

Aunty and I sleep in the hotel while mummy go for

breakfast at 7 am..

eating porridge..

playing games while waiting..

waiting for our ferry..

so many bags behind me

we take the same ferry and same seat.

look, my torn bobo..


Jun Yuan, Jun Jie, me and gor gor four of us   pool time   BBQ time JJ , belfred and me chief Gillian jie jie and chief Fenny aunty Belfred,...