Monday, August 5, 2019

KUKUP RESORT - 03 - 4 AUG 2019

waking up at 4.30 am..pick up at 5.45 am at Paya Lebar MRT 

2nd pick up at Buona Vista MRT at 6.00 am

but VIP is a bit late

belfred didi and me

we manage to cross the border 

with no jam

dim sum in a town

Taman Perling for breakfast


we reach Kukup about 10.30 am

so hot


this transport is for luggage and children ?

let go

we reach our home stay

careful ya

we can ride

with Belfred didi

we can see the fish and shell in the mud

a long path 

gone case is anyone drop in the mud

no license driver ..

mahjong time 

our room with individual toilets

singing time


going for a boat trip

nice weather

our boat guide 

kelong around us

nice view

one captain

we are in Pulau Kukup

go up the Kelong had to pay RM$2 

cannot open my eyes

see what can we see

Bumper fish 

see more


smooth on one side and rough on the other side

Belfred also dare to touch..

this is baby shark

it will bite you if you do not handle properly 

this is hard shell  stingray

Belfred can hold on it too.

What is Gillian jie jie holding ?

food ?

both of us

there are fishes in the pond

photos taking

pose 2

all in one ?

see my big tummy ?

can take a photo of me and the dog ?

our boat is here

what is Belfred didi doing ?

he is sitting all by himself.

going back to the land

this is ferry terminal

nice view

party tonight

children mahjong ?

Karaoke time 

fire cracker .

3 big rockets

and more

all in about RM$700..

mobile pedicure 

about RM$58

our time to sing

our fanns..

Wow..durian time

professional ?

per kg about RM$25

tea break , fried tofu

local prawn crakers and green bean soup



birthday girl

Ann jie jie and me

sing sing sin

satay for dinner

will fly this tonight

this uncle will do all the BBQ,


cannot open my eyes

beautiful sunset

selfie time

wow.. dinner time

with durian ?

we are ready ?

let go to the roof top.

put all correctly

wait for instruction


nice place

we are waiting

long red fire crackers

quickly hide

are you ready ?

too loud 

still hiding

is it done ?

come , let write our wishes ..

start from the youngest one

my turn

I wish I will get good results in my report book

Nola jie jie turn


Fran yiyi turn

May all our wishes come true

light up

Happy Birthday 

Gillian and Fenny 

Gillian Jie jie and me

Belfred and me

another one

Happy Birthday to us

May our wishes come truth

cutting the cake

Jing En jie jie and me

delicious fish porridge for supper


Day 2


morning breakfast 

take some photos before check out

behind are kelong

walking to the main road

these are for rent

only see this dried food shop

our lunch

Shangerila restaurant 

present from Gillian Jie jie

thanks Gillian Jie jie

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Jun Yuan, Jun Jie, me and gor gor four of us   pool time   BBQ time JJ , belfred and me chief Gillian jie jie and chief Fenny aunty Belfred,...